Looking for decking for your backyard entertainment area? Does it being fire-proof make a difference to you? Then Timbertech decking might be the best choice for you!
Fire is, no doubt, deadly. More people across the United States have died from fire than all natural disasters combined. As of the latest estimates of the US Fire Administration, 3320 people die annually due to fire accidents, a death rate which is by far higher than yearly casualty rates in the Afghan War.
About 1.5 million fire accidents occur each year. While the mainstream media has the propensity to highlight only industrial fires or raging wild fires, nothing can erase the fact that the vast majority of fire accidents happen in US households. More alarmingly, residential fires account for about 84 percent of all civilian fire deaths.
That is why Timbertech decking will be a great investment for your home. A product of Crane Building Products, Timbertech decking is one of the leading fire-resistant decking in the US. Ever committed to provide quality and safe products, Timbertech engineers have devised sophisticated testing schemes to ensure that their decking will meet requirements of federal and state fire codes.
Timbertech deck products have, for instance, passed the California State Fire Marshal and San Diego County requirements for use in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) areas.
The well-being and safety of our family is more important to us than anything else in this world. And that is what you will get with Timbertech decking. For a reasonable price, Timbertech offers decking that is resistant from fire. With fire-proof decking, you can definitely sleep soundly at night, knowing that your deck will never be a fire hazard.
But protection from fire is not the only thing that you will get with Timbertech. Whether you choose fire-resistant vinyl or composite decking from Timbertech, you will be able to get huge long-term benefits.
Just consider this fact: Timbertech decking does not require costly maintenance. There is no need for you to buy water sealants to keep water and moisture from damaging your decking, as it is built to resist water and moisture. You also will not worry about structural damages that may be caused by termites or fungi: Timbertech's products are immune from those problems.
Plus, you are able to simply clean your decking with the most basic materials: soap, water, and a piece of clean cloth. You will never need to shop for costly cleaning materials or machines. Just plain old water, soap, and cloth will be enough to maintain the integrity of your Timbertech decking for years.
Greg has been writing articles for over 4 years. Please visit his latest website about decks and backyards at Vinyl Decking, with information on finding the best Timbertech Decking and other backyard ideas and discussions that any outdoor enthusiast would be interested in.
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