Deck fasteners are rapidly gaining ground as the tool of choice by professionals and do-it-yourself homeowners. Why has the fastening installation method surpassed top down screw and nail installation? You see, hundreds of thousands of homes face problems of structural stability, not to mention, messy injuries. Nail pops, broken screws, and warped boards have plagued the warmer months of many homeowners who want to enjoy family time on their deck, but can't because of its deteriorating condition. Maintenance issues like these could have been avoided if hidden fasteners were utilized.
What makes deck fasteners the best fastening tool? The fastener is recommended these days because they can be easily installed, offer a tighter hold to the joist supports, and create a truly pristine looking surface. Let's examine each of these points.
What makes hidden fasteners easy to install? Well, if you choose a fastener that doesn't require extra tools or odd and strenuous under-the-deck install techniques, you'll have a much easier time. There are hidden deck fasteners out there that don't need additional unnecessary and costly tools. All you should ever need is a cordless screw gun, a drill bit, screw tip and some stainless steel screws. Many fastener kits have these included, except the screw gun of course.
If you're using pre-grooved composite material or pre-grooved hardwood material, then you've got everything you need. However, if you're using regular decking, you can rent a biscuit jointer or router from Lowe's, Home Depot, or your local hardware store to neatly cut your grooves. That's it. Anything more and you're spending too much money.
Now that you've got all the necessary tools, you can start installing deck fasteners. Hopefully, you've chosen fasteners that, as mentioned above, don't need sledgehammers and cumbersome cartridges to install. Many professional deck builders and contractors are recommending hidden deck fasteners that have the screws installed diagonally.
Why are deck fasteners that need to be installed diagonally superior? While not getting into a physics lesson, recent studies conducted by a German university concluded that installing screws at an angle creates a firmer, stronger, and more enduring hold to the joist. It's all about weight distribution, as well hardwood decking expansion and contraction. During the year hardwood decking will expand and contract as the moisture content in the air fluctuates. If you use top down screws to install your decking, you'll find out in a few years that around each of those screws or nails, that the area around the screw has darkened. You might also see splits start protruding. Wood rot, decay, and splinters are a direct result of this, dare I say, primitive form of deck fastening.
However, when you install screws diagonally through the edge of one side of the decking, you're alleviating the pressure the wood would normally endure. You also get a smoother, safer, and better looking deck surface. With composite decking fasteners, you don't have to worry about diagonal installation; you can screw straight down into the joist to fasten composite decking. Why? Unlike hardwoods, composite decking expands and contracts on its length. As a result, you can install composite decking fasteners straight down into the joist because the decking material does not have the same pressures that hardwood decking endures.
Ultimately, years from now you don't want to look at your deck with worry and, in worse cases, disgust. Installing fasteners is the right thing to do for the long term health of your deck. When you buy the best fasteners for your specific and desired decking material, you'll have peace of mind knowing that you're investing in a structure that adds to your quality of life. Avoid excessive deck maintenance. Install your deck with hidden deck fasteners.
Learn more about deck fasteners for hardwood decking and composite decking. Lukas James is a decking expert and enjoys helping DIY enthusiasts with their outdoor home improvement projects.
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