You'll have to start out with using a little imagination to picture what you want your end result to be. A complex deck may be out of your league, so leave that up to the professionals. You'll need only basic construction skills to build a simple deck.
There are many home and garden type magazine that will inspire you with some ideas, but you'll have to decide how large you want your deck to be. Try a few chairs and a small table around the area of your yard where you are planning to build it. This will give you a basic idea of how much space you will need. You might find a plan that already suits what you need.
The type of decking material you choose will depend on your budget. A wood deck is obviously going to be less expensive than a higher-end composite deck. However, remember to calculate on your costs how much you will have to pay for maintaining the deck if you decide to go with wood. It can be costly in the long run. The plan you follow will list all of the building materials and hardware you'll need. Definitely invest in the right power tools if you don't already have them. A cordless drill and a good "chop saw" saw will save you hours of labor.
Deck piers are also a must if you want to save time and strain on your back. These are pre-formed concrete footings with notches that accept standard sizes of wood. They are used in a "deck pier system" which saves you the trouble of digging holes and pouring your own footings.
Once you have calculated all of the materials you will need, have them delivered from your local building supply store if you don't have a vehicle to get them yourself. Before you begin construction, do an inventory of your materials and power tools. It will go smoothly if you have everything you need on hand.
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